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Mirjana Čekić - Court Interpreter (Sworn Translator) for the English Language, Banja Luka

 A court interpreter is a person who issues a certified translation of the document and ensures that the translation is identical to the original. Our advantage is experience, quality and promptness.



A certified translation is translation of the original text ensuring the identity with the original (certified by a court interpreter) containing  the seal and the signature of a court interpreter. The validity of a certified translation is unlimited, unless otherwise stated by law. All documents written in a foreign language in the original  have to be translated into the official language of the competent state by a court interpreter for a certain foreign language, in order to have power of evidence in the legal system of a state. Only certified translation of a certain public or private document has power of evidence of a public document. A certified translation is required when exercising  rights in proceedings before all state administration bodies,  notary public and the courts.

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